Sculling for Pleasure
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Frequently Asked Questions

How much energy do I use up in a session:

This page shows you the number of calories you burn for 20 minutes participation in different exercises. We should all aim to take 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 days a week. This can be a mixture of all types of physical activity, anything that makes you slightly out of breath and raises your heart rate slightly.

Activity Calories
Leisurely walk 80
Dancing 120
Cycling 160
Running 90
Aerobics 140
Weights 140
Cleaning 50
Driving 35
Swimming 100
Tennis 120
Rowing 200
Golf 45
Circuit Training 260
Skipping 100
Gardening 160
Skiing 130

What do I wear?
You need to wear a pair of cycling shorts and a T shirt and trainers and socks. Trainers should not be the ones with huge tracks etc as these will need to be placed in a foot "stretcher" to anchor your feet as you row. During colder weather bring track suit gear.

Will I fall in?
Whilst racing rowing boats and sculls are very light, fragile, and unstable, Sculling for Pleasure coach will take you step by step through the do's and don'ts. They will make sure that you will only move to the less stable craft when you have reached the required level of competence to do so safely. Initially, you will often go out with your coach in the same boat, to make sure that you are safe. You will be shown all the safety drills. We regret that Sculling for Pleasure cannot accommodate anyone who cannot swim. You must be able to swim 100m in clothing.

Can I hurt myself?
Sculling is a non-impact, aerobic sport, which exercises all the main muscle groups in a safe way, at a rate that you control. The two things that we warn you of are blisters on the hands - these do not leave permanent results and heal quickly; and occasional scratches on your legs and knuckles. Your coach will deal with all of this.

  Telephone: 020 7 917 2998 211 Piccadilly London W1J 9HF